What are the Causes of Oily Skin?

Anna Smith
2 min readSep 25, 2020


Our skin release oil naturally for various reasons. The sebaceous gland is under each pore of the body and it is responsible to produce natural oil. This natural oil is called sebum and keeps the prevent skin from getting dry.

In some cases, it produces oil more than required. It can cause oily skin. Oily skin is a skin disorder in which your skin produces too much oil and sebum gets stuck in your pores.

There are various causes of oily skin. It may be due to environmental factors. Bad lifestyle and genetic issues can also cause oily skin.

Healthy foods can help you get rid of oily skin. Collagen peptides are one of the healthy foods for the skin.


Oily skin is a genetic problem. If your parents or forefathers had this problem, it may get into you through genes.

Enlarged Pores:

Due to weight fluctuations, age, and some other reasons, pores stretch out. When pores get large, they produce more oil and the skin gets oily.

You can take extra care of your pores and reduce the production quantity of the oil.

Eat Quality Foods:

Healthy foods play an important role in your health and skin. Your diet should contain vitamins, minerals, and other healthy nutrients. Collagen is the most important part of the skin. Consume Hydrolyzed collagen to keep your skin healthy and tight.

Unhealthy foods can cause loose skin, dehydrate your skin, and many other health problems.


Age is the main factor of unhealthy skin. You can’t prevent it but you can slow down aging by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Your pores will produce less sebum and your skin will become dry. Fine lines and wrinkles will start to appear with age but healthy food and a healthy lifestyle can slow it down.



Anna Smith

My name is Anna. Friends call me Annie. I’m a writer by profession and foodie for love. I will share my thoughts on foods their benefits and side effects.